My Self-Care line

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My Self-Care line

My Self-Care line takes care of you from the inside out. The combination of acaí and guaraná in our Deblo-Tea prove just that. Freshly brought from my home country Brazil, all its elements work to cleanse your body.

I first came up with the Deblo-Tea and the Lipo Thermic cream line after getting asked by my clients throughout the years how they could compliment all the results they were having from The Massage Effect.

I knew from the beginning that in order to have the ultimate results I was looking for, I’d have to combine all the wonders from the acai e guarana in both the lipo-cream and tea.

This is a beauty line that is, above it all, a lifestyle. Combining the antioxidants from the acai berries and the caffeine from the guarana, it’s a match made in heaven. While you get all the benefits from them in your organism, your skin will look smoother and you will get slimmer as well.

secret of beautiful skin

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