Flavia Lanini is
Flavia Lanini
Flavia Lanini is originally from Brazil and she’s been living in the United States for over 6 years. She’s the epitome of the American dream, and she’s very proud of it. Even though she keeps in touch with her roots back in Brazil, she now shares the same love for the United States as well.
“You can never lose yourself or forget where you came from.”, she wisely says. As time went by and she got more knowledgeable on the beauty industry, she created her own unique technique called The Massage Effect; which is a massage that can be used for both aesthetic and wellness reasons.
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Since she’s opened her spa in 2019 in the posh neighborhood of West Los Angeles, she’s been having celebrity clients such as Kris Jenner, Hailey Bieber and Dua Lipa to name a few.
But she’s far from being done, now she’s coming up with the Self-Care Line, which is about “a beauty line that’s way more than that; it’s a lifestyle”. She proudly states. The main ingredients in the Self-Care line are the traditional fruits of Brazil; the acai and the guarana, brought by her directly from the Amazons, in her native country Brazil.
Flavia Lanini is a hardworking business woman. That being said, she’s very vocal when it comes to women empowerment. She wants to make clear that yes, women can take care of themselves, be beautiful and have full make up on at the 8:00am business meeting, and still be the decision making person in that conference room. We had the chance to talk to her in her busy schedule, at her spa in Los Angeles, when she talked about women empowerment and the connection with her new Self-Care Line.
We as modern women try to juggle everything in our lives. We do have more pressure than men, not only from society, but from ourselves as well. Nobody asks a man how he manages his career and he is an accomplished father as well. We are the wife, the mother, the daughter and the sister.
Many times, we take care of so many people that we forget to take care of ourselves. Then we resort to those infamous fad diets and just go for a “quick fix”. But it’s 2020, and we ́ve come a long way.
Yes, we do want to look beautiful, but for ourselves and not to be defined by society or anybody else for that matter. We’re understanding that beauty truly comes from within and that we can be happy by having great careers and by being ourselves as well. That’s why I’m so glad to share the Self-Care line with you, as a reminder that we deserve the best, without compromising our beliefs or our health.
When we try to get slimmer, it no longer means starving ourselves and meeting that weight goal dictated by society. It means to look and feel our best by losing weight the healthy way.
Today there are stunning and successful women to look up to, such as business savvy Kim Kardashian and plus size supermodel Ashley Graham, to name a few, who embrace their curves, yet take care of themselves, look stunning, have careers, deal with motherhood and all while rocking the world. This is the kind of woman I have as my clients every day, and believe it or not, this is the kind of woman all of us are, famous or not.